[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Seagate 251-1 on AT clone SAM 3001

gomez@unix.cis.pitt.edu (Roberto O Gomez) (09/12/89)

I'm trying to install a Seagate 251-1 [42 Mb, 28msec] on a SAM 3001, an
AT clone made by Hi-Tech Int. from Milpitas CA.  Trouble is the machine
has an old AWARD bios, and runs a SETUP program from floppy [not from
BIOS] which doesn't have any entry in its hard disk table that looks
appropiate for the 251.  It seems they only expected you to plug HDs up
to 32Mbytes. I'll appreciate any input from anyone that has tackled
this particular configuration.  The obvious recourse of calling the
company hasn't got me anywhere so far, I keep getting their answering
service...  And I really need to get this working!

Thanks many.	Roberto Gomez

russ@prism.gatech.EDU (Russell Shackelford) (09/13/89)

 had the EXACT same situation (SAM machine and 251) BEFORE I realized
that HiTech Intern't are crooks!!!!! and that 251's are troublesome,
but these are other stories....

all you need to do is use OnTrack which SHOULD have come with your
251.  it will set the appropriate setup info for you, thus overriding
the antiquated ROM and setup procedures....  use OnTrack, forget your
Setup diskette...


Russell Shackelford
School of Information and Computer Science
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, 30332
russ@prism.gatech.edu         (404) 834-4759

gomez@unix.cis.pitt.edu (Roberto O Gomez) (09/14/89)

Thanks to all that replied to my posting. There were basically two
answers [the question was: my BIOS doesn't have an entry in the drive
type table that matches the drive: 6 heads 820 cyl]

1) If your BIOS doesn't support a drive type which matches your drive,
use partitioning software such as Disk Manager, to create two logical
drives and install a device driver.

2) Get a newer BIOS, versions 3.01 ad up [3.04 is the most current one,
at least as of 7/89] support drives with 6 heads and 820 cyl.

I went with the first option, since I got Disk Manager with the drive.
I used the `SETUP' program to tell the BIOS there was no drive
installed, then run DM once to tell it there was a drive [an ST-251]
then again to actually install the drive. This is what the computer's
manufacturer suggested, they finally got in touch with me. Seems their
technical support crew was flu-stricken, hence the silly answering
service I was getting!  [Half :-)]  Thanks again, and if anyone wants
the answers I got, drop me a line and I'll give you more details.

	roberto gomez

Roberto Gomez, Physics Dept., Univ. of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA 15260
Arpa:	gomez@unix.cis.pitt.edu
Phone:  (412) 624-9089