[comp.sys.ibm.pc] For sale

singer@XN.LL.MIT.EDU (Matthew R. Singer) (10/04/88)

For Sale:

   IBM PC (IBM ORIGINAL) rom update kits.  Allows PC-1's with 64K motherboard
   to autoboot a hard disk.

    $30 a set  (I have 8 sets)

    Perstore PS 180 RLL controller with bios for AT's. Brand new in
    the box. Give about 90% more space and works with most MFM drives.


   Call Matt Singer at 508-877-0257

ins_apvt@jhunix (Paolo V Troia-Cancio) (07/27/89)

I have the following items for sale:
        - 1200 baud internal modem (Hayes compatible) -->  $40 o.b.o.
        - Northgate 101 keyboard                      -->  $60 o.b.o.
          (Has function keys on top of keyboard NOT on the side. It does
           have the same feel as the newer models "click/tactile")
        - Kraft III 3-button joystick                 -->  $15 o.b.o.
          Includes original boxes and manuals.
                - Falcon AT (EGA)                     -->  $20 o.b.o.
                - Rocket Ranger                       -->  $20 o.b.o.
                - Test Drive                          -->  $15 o.b.o.
                - Star Trek: The Rebel Universe       -->  $10 o.b.o.
          All four for $60
        I will pay for shipping and prices are negotiable. If interested
respond by E-mail (preferred) or by phone (late night).
Paolo V. Troia                      BITNET: ins_apvt@jhuvms.bitnet
The Johns Hopkins University        UUCP:   ins_apvt@jhunix.uucp (Unreliable)
Baltimore, Maryland                 Phone:  (301)889-8613

pawn@wpi.wpi.edu (Kevin Goroway) (09/05/89)

For Sale

1.  Amiga 2000 w/2090 HD controller and 20 meg 28ms HD.
2.  44 meg IBM 5 1/4" Full height drive.
3.  80387sx 16 Mhz IBM Math Chip

Commodore Monitor for the Amiga also available.

Best offer for each takes it.
Call me at 508-757-1654 if you are interested.

| Worcester Polytechnic Institute   | "It happens sometimes, people just     |
| Pawn@wpi.wpi.edu  Pawn@wpi.bitnet |   explode, natural causes."-Repo Man   |

gilgalad@caen.engin.umich.edu (Ralph Seguin) (09/22/89)

Hi.  I have several things for sale.
1.  A Priam 72 meg, 18 ms hard drive.  Autopark, MFM or SCSI (I have an
Adaptec board for it).   Brand new.   $350 for MFM, $400 for SCSI

2.  A 60 meg streaming tape backup.  Standard cartridges.  Standard
interface or SCSI (I have an Adaptec for this as well).   $200 for reg., $250 for SCSI
3.  3 megs of RAM, 2 megs of it in SIMMs.  100, 120 and 150 ns speeds.

If you, or anybody that you know, may be interested in this, please contact

                        Thanks, Ralph Seguin
(313) 697-1048