larry (06/04/82)
Well, what happens now?? The ST-2 movie certainly left the ST-3 writters a LOT of things to play with! Will Kirk's son join him in the Star Fleet? Does Kirk renounce his promotion to Admiral, and take command of the Enterprise? And most important of all --what are they going to do about Spock??? They have certainly left the door open for his return... could be the Genesis "bomb" was still 're-matrixing' and he gets re-vitalized. Or maybe they'll follow the Star Wars lead and we'll have an Obie One-Spock who fades in and out of peoples imaginations?? I remember hearing for a long time that Lenord Nimoy was tired of Spock, did they finally write him out? But, I also thought someone on the net here said that he'd already signed for ST-3, anybody heard? Who'll take over for him? The new character, Saavin (butchered in spelling I'm sure), seemed to be a 'command' officer, not a science officer. Maybe with Kirk's son, and this new Vulcan, they'll start working in a new crew, two or three characters at a time. Is Kirk next to get it then? He was awful pre-occupied with his "old-age" in this one! Larry Marek (...ihuxl!larry)
Anonymous (06/12/82)
#R:ihuxl:-15900:uiucdcs:10700002:000:163 uiucdcs!Anonymous Jun 11 16:46:00 1982 I heard that Nimoy had it written into the script and into his contract that "spock must die" -- he is tired of being rolecast into a very limited acting style.