ia4@CUNIXD.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU (Imran Anwar) (09/25/89)
FAX OR COMPUTER TRANSMISSION? - - - - - - - - - - I am using a RICOH 35 (64 gray scale machine at all nodes of my organization's network). The results, even at 64 gray scales, are barely acceptable for printing in newspapers, whixh is the primary purpose of having the 64 GS machines. I was reading the current issue of a computer mag and saw plenty of ads for very sharp quality laser printers and scannrs including 256 gray scale ones. My question: If one used a PC + 256 gray scale scanner + 9600 baud modem + 300 or 400 dpi plain paper laser printer at either end would not one expect to get better quality images on paper than the best fax machine that prints on thermal paper? Your suggestions/comments welcome. Thanks imran