[comp.sys.ibm.pc] New laptops from Compaq- any info?

markxx@garnet.berkeley.edu (10/07/89)

InfoWorld (Sept 25) mentioned in the AT DEADLINE section that
Compaq was going to announce two six pound laptops that will be based one
on the 8086 the other on the 80286.  Both will have 20 or 40 meg harddrives,
and one 1.44 K floppy.  The EGA screen will be backlit.

Or so they say...

Does anyone have any more info on this?? If either of these machines have a
removable battery (so I could carry more that one charge) that would be a 
pretty sweet deal.  Of course, at usual Compaq prices, we will probably be
paying out the ear for it. So... anyone hear anything more about this?

E-mail or post.

Mark Ritchie