(Jim Alain Laredo) (09/26/89)
Hello there, I am planning to buy PC-Clone to develop some software, after shopping around looking for the best deal I found one that comes with everything but the monitor. It includes a 40 MB Conner Hard Disk (model CP340 28mS) a whole bunch of features and a TTL video adaptor. I am planning to buy a monochrome monitor and I intend to run packages like turbo-c, turbo-pascal, and other windows software like vitamin C. My questions are: - Is this brand of HD reliable?, have you heard about it?, have you had any experience? - Do I need any additional circuit boards to run the different window environments?, what are the so called Monographic HCG cards, that are announced in some flyers? thanks for your help Jim Laredo (Stephen M. Dunn) (09/28/89)
Jim Alain Laredo writes:
$ I am planning to buy PC-Clone to develop some software, after
$shopping around looking for the best deal I found one that comes with
$everything but the monitor. It includes a 40 MB Conner Hard Disk
$(model CP340 28mS) a whole bunch of features and a TTL video adaptor.
$I am planning to buy a monochrome monitor and I intend to run packages
$like turbo-c, turbo-pascal, and other windows software like vitamin C.
$ My questions are:
$ - Is this brand of HD reliable?, have you heard about it?, have
$ you had any experience?
I've never heard of it, so I can't recommend one way or the other. If
you find it to not be a good choice, you might want to consider the
Miniscribe 3053 (half-height, 44 Mb, 25 ms) - I've had mine for just over a
year and it's great; my brother also has a Miniscribe and has had no
problems with it, and the computer shop he used to hang out at almost
never had one come in for repairs.
There was a discussion somewhere a while ago in which someone suggested
that Miniscribe had gone under ... I don't recall if the final consensus was
that this was true or not.
$ - Do I need any additional circuit boards to run the different window
$ environments?, what are the so called Monographic HCG cards, that
$ are announced in some flyers?
Monographic (or Hercules or HGC) cards are monochrome graphics cards.
IBM originally offered two display cards for its PCs - the monochrome display
adapter, which did only text, or the pitiful CGA. Hercules came up with a
card that was compatible in text mode with the MDA but which offered a
graphics mode which was vastly superior in resolution to the CGA (720x348 as
opposed to 640x200; in fact, it even beats the EGA). This much-cloned card
is the original monographic card.
Most serious business software supports the Herc (Symphony/Lotus, Harvard
Graphics, various incarnations of Windows, WordPerfect, just to name afew);
many video games don't (although there are programs around to emulate a
CGA on a Herc). Turbo Pascal 4 and up (and, I believe, recent versions of
Turbo C as well) support the Herc.
Stephen M. Dunn
<std_disclaimer.h> = "\nI'm only an undergraduate!!!\n";
"VM is like an orgasm: the less you have to fake, the better." - S.C.
wek@point.UUCP (Bill Kuykendall) (09/30/89)
>$everything but the monitor. It includes a 40 MB Conner Hard Disk >$ - Is this brand of HD reliable?, have you heard about it?, have >$ you had any experience? Connor hard drive? I've never heard of one before. Are you sure you got the name right? (John R. Levine) (10/01/89)
In article <[2192.2]comp.ibmpc;1@point.UUCP> wek@point.UUCP (Bill Kuykendall) writes: >>Is [Connor's] HD reliable? have you heard about it? have had any experience? >Connor hard drive? I've never heard of one before. Are you sure you got >the name right? Connor makes most if not all of the hard disks that Compaq puts in their computers. Compaq overprices them, but that's not Connor's fault. They certainly work perfectly well. -- John R. Levine, Segue Software, POB 349, Cambridge MA 02238, +1 617 492 3869, {ima|lotus}!esegue!johnl, Massachusetts has 64 licensed drivers who are over 100 years old. -The Globe
robert@isgtec.UUCP (Robert Osborne) (10/03/89)
In article <> (John R. Levine) writes: >Connor makes most if not all of the hard disks that Compaq puts in their >computers. Compaq overprices them, but that's not Connor's fault. They >certainly work perfectly well. What I've heard (from a refreshingly technically oriented dealer) is that Conner sends Compaq the drives that meet Compaq's high standards and sell the rest under their own name. I *sure* he was unbiased :-) Rob. -- Robert A. Osborne ...uunet!mnetor!lsuc!isgtec!robert (Nice sig Bruce mind if I steal it :-) ...utzoo!lsuc!isgtec!robert ISG Technologies Inc. 3030 Orlando Dr. Mississauga. Ont. Can. L4V 1S8 (James Howard) (10/09/89)
In article <155@isgtec.UUCP> robert@isgtec.UUCP (Robert Osborne) writes: >... >What I've heard (from a refreshingly technically oriented dealer) is that >Conner sends Compaq the drives that meet Compaq's high standards and >sell the rest under their own name. >... Conner drives are also in at least some if not all GRiD laptop computers. --- James Howard Howard Electronic Laboratories Products & Services AA5R!helps!jhoward or