[comp.sys.ibm.pc] 16 bit compress & uncompress for IBM PC

mrwittma@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (Martin R. Wittmann) (10/14/89)

I read with some amusement the arguments which claimed that a 16 bit
compress/uncompress for MSDOS PCs could not exist.  I was even more 
surprised to see that no one seems to have the same program I have which
does indeed both compress and uncompress files in a completely UNIX 
compatible fashion.  It takes a lot of memory, but I have compressed files
as large as about 270kB (that's the biggest I can recall) and uncompressed
them on an Ultrix machine without difficulty.  How did it do?  The 
compressed size was about 72kB I believe.

Funny thing is, I'm sure I downloaded this from the net (probably c.b.i.p)
some time ago.  Here's the version info and usage output.  Maybe someone
else can figure out where the source is.

>  compress,v 4.3 88/12/26 08:00:00 don Release $
>  Options: MsDos MAXBITS = 16
>  Usage: comp16 [-cCdf?hkKvV][-b maxbits][-Iinpath][-Ooutpath][filenames...]
>  Argument Processing..case is flags are optional.
>       -V => print Version
>       -d => do_decomp default = off
>       -v => verbose
>       -f => force overwrite of output file default = off
>       -n => no header: useful to uncompress old files
>       -c => cat all output to stdout default = off
>       -C => generate output compatible with compress 2.0.
>       -k => keep input file, default == kill (erase)
>       -K => keep output file on error, default == kill (erase)
>       -b maxbits  => default == 16 bits, max == 16 bits
>       -I pathname => infile path  ==
>       -O pathname => outfile path ==
>       -? -h => help usage.

I will gladly post this in c.b.i.p if (a) someone verifies this is OK, since
as I've said I'm not positive about the source of this program, and (b) some-
one sends me directions on who to mail the binary to, and in what format.

This is a GREAT utility... I'd like to see it distributed!

Please email me, since I read this group quite intermittently, and the volume
on it is daunting.

mrwittma@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (Martin R. Wittmann) (10/14/89)

Looking back at the articles on this subject, it is apparent that the
program I have is exactly that mentioned earlier:

>  The 4.3 version of the compress source is completely compatible with MSDOS
>  and the Microsoft C compiler (I can post or mail the compiled executable
>  to anyone without Microsoft or Turbo C).
>  Charles Marslett
>  chasm@attctc.dallas.tx.us

So I guess all my previous article really says is:  (1) you can indeed
both compress and uncompress in 16 bit format on the PC, in case it
wasn't completly clear from earlier postings, and (2) ver. 4.3 works
great (thanks Charles)!

Sorry I didn't check this before posting the earlier article.