dubner@hpspkla.spk.hp.com (Joseph L. Dubner) (10/17/89)
I'd like to buy a Suntek Memoplus-AT 2 MB RAM expansion board for my AT but I can't locate a dealer for this particular brand. Two years ago I purchased one from a now defunct dealer. Perhaps the board is no longer made -- EMS 3.2 boards have lost popularity in the wake of EMS 4.0. Can anyone give me a pointer to obtaining one or more boards, either new or used? You may be wondering why I want this particular board, even though it supports only extended or expanded EMS 3.2 memory and uses 256K DIPs and has been largely obsoleted by the newer, higher density boards. My rationale is thus: 1. I already have one in my system so I won't need a different (and possibly conflicting) EMM.SYS driver. 2. I have some 256Kbit chips and don't want to buy any 1Mb parts. 3. It works with my software; I know its quirks. Please call or Email if you have seen one of these boards. Thanks, Joe Dubner dubner@hpspkla.HP.COM (509) 921-3514 (days) (208) 772-3657 (eves)