[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Excel memory requirements???

todd@uhccux.uhcc.hawaii.edu (Todd Ogasawara) (10/17/89)

I just reinstalled Microsoft Windows 286 v2.1 and Excel after replacing my
Hercules display with a VGA card and CRT (an STB AutoVGA card).  Although I
have 570K of RAM left free and Windows itself fires up fine, Excel refuses
to fire up complaining that there isn't enough memory.  Any ideas out
there?  The only thing I have left to try is to play around with removing
some screen fonts supported by Windows...todd
Todd Ogasawara, U. of Hawaii
UUCP:		{uunet,ucbvax,dcdwest}!ucsd!nosc!uhccux!todd
ARPA:		uhccux!todd@nosc.MIL		BITNET: todd@uhccux
INTERNET:	todd@uhccux.UHCC.HAWAII.EDU <==I'm told this rarely works