[comp.sys.ibm.pc] A Unix worthy Compress/Uncompress for the PC

jbjones@marlin.NOSC.MIL (John B. Jones) (10/12/89)

I'm searching for a compress/uncompress which will uncompress Unix
compressed files on my AT.  Does anyone have a copy they could send?
It has to do 16 bit uncompression, I believe.  

There's really no reason anyone outside of southern california or
Arizona should reply to thisR, but if anyone close has a solution I will
be eternally grateful.


madd@bu-cs.BU.EDU (Jim Frost) (10/12/89)

In article <1240@marlin.NOSC.MIL> jbjones@marlin.nosc.mil.UUCP (John B. Jones) writes:
|I'm searching for a compress/uncompress which will uncompress Unix
|compressed files on my AT.  Does anyone have a copy they could send?
|It has to do 16 bit uncompression, I believe.  

I don't believe you'll find one.  UNIX does 16-bit L-Z compression,
which requires something like 512k data space to operate, leaving
precious little space for the code on a full 640k machine.  Most PC
L-Z compression utilities use 12-bit, which fits much more

jim frost

kgdykes@watmath.waterloo.edu (Ken Dykes) (10/12/89)

In article <40116@bu-cs.BU.EDU> madd@cs.bu.edu (Jim Frost) writes:
>In article <1240@marlin.NOSC.MIL> jbjones@marlin.nosc.mil.UUCP (John B. Jones) writes:
>|I'm searching for a compress/uncompress which will uncompress Unix
>|compressed files on my AT.  Does anyone have a copy they could send?
>|It has to do 16 bit uncompression, I believe.  
>I don't believe you'll find one.  UNIX does 16-bit L-Z compression,
>which requires something like 512k data space to operate, leaving
>precious little space for the code on a full 640k machine.  Most PC
>L-Z compression utilities use 12-bit, which fits much more comfortably.

yes & no
if you get the MKS Toolkit with its compress/uncompress you do have an
option, both the unix and MKS versions accept a command-line argument
defining howmany bits to use in the LZ algorithm, the MKS/DOS version
allows a maximum of 14bits i believe
A scenario like this will work:
   unix>compress -b14 file
   unix>8bit_filetran file.Z
   dos>uncompress file.z >file

I wouldnt be suprised if other versions of compress also have a similar
-bits type of option.
   - Ken Dykes, Software Development Group, UofWaterloo, Canada [43.47N 80.52W]
          kgdykes@watmath.waterloo.edu  []
          kgdykes@waterloo.csnet      kgdykes@water.bitnet     watmath!kgdykes

chasm@attctc.Dallas.TX.US (Charles Marslett) (10/12/89)

The 4.3 version of the compress source is completely compatible with MSDOS
and the Microsoft C compiler (I can post or mail the compiled executable
to anyone without Microsoft or Turbo C).

Charles Marslett

hartl@lan.informatik.tu-muenchen.dbp.de (Anton Hartl) (10/12/89)

In article <40116@bu-cs.BU.EDU> madd@cs.bu.edu (Jim Frost) writes:
>In article <1240@marlin.NOSC.MIL> jbjones@marlin.nosc.mil.UUCP (John B. Jones) writes:
>|I'm searching for a compress/uncompress which will uncompress Unix
>|compressed files on my AT.  Does anyone have a copy they could send?
>|It has to do 16 bit uncompression, I believe.  
>I don't believe you'll find one.  UNIX does 16-bit L-Z compression,
>which requires something like 512k data space to operate, leaving
>precious little space for the code on a full 640k machine.  

The 512K data space is right if you're compressing files;
for uncompressing files you only need about 280K. 
An uncompress program for DOS appeared February this year 
in comp.binaries.ibm.pc as volume 01 issue 108.
I've tried out this program once and it worked fine.

Anton Hartl
...!unido!tumult!hartl,  hartl@lan.informatik.tu-muenchen.dbp.de

chan@eeserv (Andrew Chan) (10/12/89)

>I don't believe you'll find one.  UNIX does 16-bit L-Z compression,
>which requires something like 512k data space to operate, leaving
>precious little space for the code on a full 640k machine.  Most PC
>L-Z compression utilities use 12-bit, which fits much more

I tried "Compress 4.0" available from uunet.uu.net.  I had successfully compiled
it using 16 bit compression on Microsoft C.  I had to modify (easy) the code
a little bit to handle the filenames.  Also, defining the symbol XENIX will
split some of the arrays into 2 so that the program fits easier.

From what I can see, may be this program _was_ written with MS-DOS PC as
possible target machine.  I just wonder why they had not fixed the filename

tshapin@orion.oac.uci.edu (Ted Shapin) (10/12/89)

I use a public domain compress that runs on the IBM PC and is compatible
with 16-bit Unix systems.  Try the archives at SIMTEL-20.

las) (10/12/89)

In article <40116@bu-cs.BU.EDU> madd@cs.bu.edu (Jim Frost) writes:
}In article <1240@marlin.NOSC.MIL> jbjones@marlin.nosc.mil.UUCP (John B. Jones) writes:
}|I'm searching for a compress/uncompress which will uncompress Unix
}|compressed files on my AT.  Does anyone have a copy they could send?
}|It has to do 16 bit uncompression, I believe.  

}I don't believe you'll find one.  UNIX does 16-bit L-Z compression,
}which requires something like 512k data space to operate, leaving
}precious little space for the code on a full 640k machine.  Most PC
}L-Z compression utilities use 12-bit, which fits much more

Mortice Kern System's compress/uncompress can do 14-bit LZ compression.
I have a program called U16 for the PC which can *uncompress* 16-bit
LZ compressed files - so far as I know, there's no 16-bit compress for 
the PC.

regards, Larry
Signed: Larry A. Shurr (cbema!las@att.ATT.COM or att!cbema!las)
Clever signature, Wonderful wit, Outdo the others, Be a big hit! - Burma Shave
(With apologies to the real thing.  The above represents my views only.)
(Please note my mailing address.  Mail sent directly to cbnews doesn't make it.)

brown@vidiot.UUCP (Vidiot) (10/13/89)

In article <40116@bu-cs.BU.EDU> madd@cs.bu.edu (Jim Frost) writes:
<In article <1240@marlin.NOSC.MIL> jbjones@marlin.nosc.mil.UUCP (John B. Jones) writes:
<|I'm searching for a compress/uncompress which will uncompress Unix
<|compressed files on my AT.  Does anyone have a copy they could send?
<|It has to do 16 bit uncompression, I believe.  
<I don't believe you'll find one.  UNIX does 16-bit L-Z compression,
<which requires something like 512k data space to operate, leaving
<precious little space for the code on a full 640k machine.  Most PC
<L-Z compression utilities use 12-bit, which fits much more

Sorry, but there is one called U16.  It works really good.  It was obtained
from the ibm-pc binaries news group, so is probably in an archive someplace,
like maybe SIMTEL20.
	        harvard\     att!nicmad\
Vidiot            ucbvax!uwvax..........!astroatc!vidiot!brown
	        rutgers/  decvax!nicmad/
	ARPA/INTERNET: @spool.cs.wisc.edu,@astroatc:brown@vidiot

saj%yipeia@Sun.COM (Scott A. Jordahl) (10/13/89)

In article <40116@bu-cs.BU.EDU> madd@cs.bu.edu (Jim Frost) writes:
>In article <1240@marlin.NOSC.MIL> jbjones@marlin.nosc.mil.UUCP 
>(John B. Jones) writes:
>|I'm searching for a compress/uncompress which will uncompress Unix
>|compressed files on my AT.  Does anyone have a copy they could send?
>|It has to do 16 bit uncompression, I believe.  
>I don't believe you'll find one.  
>jim frost

Sorry Jim, but one does exist.  It's called U16.EXE and I use it at
home all the time to un-compress files I compress on my UNIX system
here at work.  Works like a charm.  It was posted here on the net
about a year ago I think (executables and source).  The only thing
I wish it could do is "compress" files.

-- Scott

PS - John, if you don't get a responce to your request, drop me a note
     and I'll arrange to send you U16.

| Scott A. Jordahl                                       |
| UUCP:   saj@sun.COM                         |
| PHONE:  WK: [415] 336-5463                             |
|         HM: [408] 270-5619                             |

saj%yipeia@Sun.COM (Scott A. Jordahl) (10/13/89)

In article <9673@attctc.Dallas.TX.US> chasm@attctc.Dallas.TX.US (Charles Marslett) writes:
>The 4.3 version of the compress source is completely compatible with MSDOS
>and the Microsoft C compiler (I can post or mail the compiled executable
>to anyone without Microsoft or Turbo C).
>Charles Marslett

But only allows 12-Bit maximum compression when compilied on MSDOS (look
at the #defines).  16-Bit is soooooo much better.  See my posting regarding
U16.EXE (U16 uses some assemble code to allow 16-Bit on the PC).

-- Scott

| Scott A. Jordahl                                       |
| UUCP:   saj@sun.COM                         |
| PHONE:  WK: [415] 336-5463                             |
|         HM: [408] 270-5619                             |

brown@vidiot.UUCP (Vidiot) (10/13/89)

In article <9673@attctc.Dallas.TX.US> chasm@attctc.Dallas.TX.US (Charles Marslett) writes:
<The 4.3 version of the compress source is completely compatible with MSDOS
<and the Microsoft C compiler (I can post or mail the compiled executable
<to anyone without Microsoft or Turbo C).

Please send the sources to the moderator of the ibm-pc binaries newsgroup.
	        harvard\     att!nicmad\
Vidiot            ucbvax!uwvax..........!astroatc!vidiot!brown
	        rutgers/  decvax!nicmad/
	ARPA/INTERNET: @spool.cs.wisc.edu,@astroatc:brown@vidiot

ddl@husc6.harvard.edu (Dan Lanciani) (10/14/89)

In article <1240@marlin.NOSC.MIL>, jbjones@marlin.NOSC.MIL (John B. Jones) writes:
| I'm searching for a compress/uncompress which will uncompress Unix
| compressed files on my AT.  Does anyone have a copy they could send?
| It has to do 16 bit uncompression, I believe.  

	The file compress.exe in pub/pcip on husc6.harvard.edu
does 16 bit compression/decompression.  It is available for
anonymous ftp.  (Use compress -d to uncompress.)   The source is around
somewhere but not handy at the moment; it was a fairly trivial modification
of the standard usenet distribution.

				Dan Lanciani

w8sdz@smoke.BRL.MIL (Keith Petersen) (10/16/89)

In article <2849@husc6.harvard.edu> ddl@husc6.harvard.edu (Dan Lanciani) writes:
>	The file compress.exe in pub/pcip on husc6.harvard.edu
>does 16 bit compression/decompression.  It is available for
>anonymous ftp.  (Use compress -d to uncompress.)   The source is around
>somewhere but not handy at the moment; it was a fairly trivial modification
>of the standard usenet distribution.

Be careful of this file.  I downloaded it from husc6.harvard.edu and
attempted to run the program on my MSDOS machine.  It bombed.  I checked
the file with DEBUG and found it's the XENIX version of compress, not
the MSDOS version.

Maintainer of SIMTEL20's CP/M, MSDOS, & MISC archives [IP address]
w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.Army.Mil, w8sdz@smoke.brl.mil, w8sdz@sadis01.af.mil
w8sdz@tacom-emh1.army.mil, w8sdz@eddie.mit.edu, w8sdz@unix.secs.oakland.edu
Uucp: {ames,decwrl,harvard,rutgers,ucbvax,uunet}!wsmr-simtel20.army.mil!w8sdz

ddl@husc6.harvard.edu (Dan Lanciani) (10/16/89)

In article <11293@smoke.BRL.MIL>, w8sdz@smoke.BRL.MIL (Keith Petersen) writes:
| In article <2849@husc6.harvard.edu> ddl@husc6.harvard.edu (Dan Lanciani) writes:
| >	The file compress.exe in pub/pcip on husc6.harvard.edu
| >does 16 bit compression/decompression.  It is available for
| >anonymous ftp.  (Use compress -d to uncompress.)   The source is around
| >somewhere but not handy at the moment; it was a fairly trivial modification
| >of the standard usenet distribution.
| Be careful of this file.  I downloaded it from husc6.harvard.edu and
| attempted to run the program on my MSDOS machine.  It bombed.

	Please be specific.  I use this program constantly on everything
from original PCs to 386 boxes.  It has never "bombed."  Note that
you must remove TSRs and such as compress needs a lot of memory.
Note also that the compressed .EXE format (not to be confused with
the compression that compress does...) may cause problems on early
versions of DOS (though I have not seen such problems).

	I just checked the copy on husc6 and the UNIX sum output is:
06747    25
which agrees with the sum of the version I use at home.  Please check
to be sure you do not have a corrupted copy.

| I checked
| the file with DEBUG and found it's the XENIX version of compress, not
| the MSDOS version.

	There wasn't any "MSDOS version" and XENIX was the most appropriate
#ifdef choice for a starting point.  I don't know what you are trying
to look at with debug but surely you could see the MS-DOS header
and/or the lack of a XENIX header.  Compress.exe is an MS-DOS
executable, plain and simple.

				Dan Lanciani

greg@dekalb.UUCP (Greg Philmon) (10/16/89)

In article <10163@cbnews.ATT.COM> cbema!las@cbnews.ATT.COM (Larry A. Shurr,20650,cb,9a110,6148605851) writes:
>Mortice Kern System's compress/uncompress can do 14-bit LZ compression.
>I have a program called U16 for the PC which can *uncompress* 16-bit
>LZ compressed files - so far as I know, there's no 16-bit compress for 
>the PC.

 I have a program called COMP16 which, I believe, was posted to CBIP at one
 time.  I'd be happy to mail it to anyone, if the demand is small, or perhaps
 just submit it for reposting in CBIP.  It'll do 16-bit [un]compress.

 Drop me a line if interested.

    | Greg Philmon  ...gatech!dekalb!greg   CIS: 72261,1724 | 

jwbirdsa@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (James Webster Birdsall) (10/16/89)

In article <40116@bu-cs.BU.EDU> madd@cs.bu.edu (Jim Frost) writes:
>In article <1240@marlin.NOSC.MIL> jbjones@marlin.nosc.mil.UUCP (John B. Jones) writes:
>|I'm searching for a compress/uncompress which will uncompress Unix
>|compressed files on my AT.  Does anyone have a copy they could send?
>|It has to do 16 bit uncompression, I believe.  
>I don't believe you'll find one.  UNIX does 16-bit L-Z compression,
>which requires something like 512k data space to operate, leaving
>precious little space for the code on a full 640k machine.  Most PC
>L-Z compression utilities use 12-bit, which fits much more
>jim frost

   On the contrary. I have a program that does full 16-bit compress/
uncompress in less than 470K. It's pretty fast, too (even on an old XT),
and doesn't thrash the drives. [My previous compress would only do 13
bits and thrashed the drive badly.] 
   Anybody who wants a copy, email me at the addresses below.

Line eater fodder.

James W. Birdsall  jwbirdsa@phoenix.Princeton.EDU  jwbirdsa@pucc.BITNET
   ...allegra!princeton!phoenix!jwbirdsa   Compu$erve: 71261,1731
"For it is the doom of men that they forget." -- Merlin

pjh@mccc.uucp (Pete Holsberg) (10/17/89)

In article <40116@bu-cs.BU.EDU> madd@cs.bu.edu (Jim Frost) writes:
=In article <1240@marlin.NOSC.MIL> jbjones@marlin.nosc.mil.UUCP (John B. Jones) writes:
=|I'm searching for a compress/uncompress which will uncompress Unix
=|compressed files on my AT.  Does anyone have a copy they could send?
=|It has to do 16 bit uncompression, I believe.  
=I don't believe you'll find one.  UNIX does 16-bit L-Z compression,
=which requires something like 512k data space to operate, leaving
=precious little space for the code on a full 640k machine.  Most PC
=L-Z compression utilities use 12-bit, which fits much more

I have a happy surprise for you, Jim!  COMP16.EXE, posted to
comp.binaries.ibm.pc some time ago handles ALL UNIX compressed files.

Pete Holsberg                UUCP: {...!rutgers!}princeton!mccc!pjh
Mercer College               CompuServe: 70240,334
1200 Old Trenton Road        GEnie: PJHOLSBERG
Trenton, NJ 08690            Voice: 1-609-586-4800

pjh@mccc.uucp (Pete Holsberg) (10/17/89)

compress 4.3 is current and the filename (and other problems) thing has been
Pete Holsberg                UUCP: {...!rutgers!}princeton!mccc!pjh
Mercer College               CompuServe: 70240,334
1200 Old Trenton Road        GEnie: PJHOLSBERG
Trenton, NJ 08690            Voice: 1-609-586-4800

ho@fergvax.unl.edu (Tiny Bubbles...) (10/17/89)

From article <126274@sun.Eng.Sun.COM>, by saj%yipeia@Sun.COM (Scott A. Jordahl):
> In article <9673@attctc.Dallas.TX.US> chasm@attctc.Dallas.TX.US (Charles Marslett) writes:
>>The 4.3 version of the compress source is completely compatible with MSDOS
>>and the Microsoft C compiler (I can post or mail the compiled executable
>>to anyone without Microsoft or Turbo C).
> But only allows 12-Bit maximum compression when compilied on MSDOS (look
> at the #defines).  16-Bit is soooooo much better.  See my posting regarding
> U16.EXE (U16 uses some assemble code to allow 16-Bit on the PC).

Now that's strange.  I have a program called COMPRESS for my PC (which 
appears to have been written by someone on Compu$ock-it-to-em) which does
handle full 16-bit compression, as well as uncompression.  Even on my PC
with only 472K available memory after TSR's.

Lemme see if I can find it.  I believe the archive was called COMP420.XXX
(ZIP, ARC, or even ZOO).
	... Michael Ho, University of Nebraska
Internet: ho@fergvax.unl.edu		USnail:  115 Nebraska Union
BITnet:   cosx001@UNLCDC3			 Lincoln, NE 68588-0461

chasm@attctc.Dallas.TX.US (Charles Marslett) (10/18/89)

In article <126274@sun.Eng.Sun.COM>, saj%yipeia@Sun.COM (Scott A. Jordahl) writes:
> In article <9673@attctc.Dallas.TX.US> chasm@attctc.Dallas.TX.US (Charles Marslett) writes:
> >
> >The 4.3 version of the compress source is completely compatible with MSDOS
> >and the Microsoft C compiler (I can post or mail the compiled executable
> >to anyone without Microsoft or Turbo C).

I have mailed the source and executable file to Rahul to be posted to the
binaries group.

> But only allows 12-Bit maximum compression when compilied on MSDOS (look
> at the #defines).  16-Bit is soooooo much better.  See my posting regarding
> U16.EXE (U16 uses some assemble code to allow 16-Bit on the PC).

The .exe file I sent to the binaries group does do 16-bit uncompression
(as well as 16-bit compression) -- it is not quite as fast as u16, but
being all C code, it really does quite well.

> -- Scott
> /########################################################\
> | Scott A. Jordahl                                       |
> | UUCP:   saj@sun.COM                         |
> | PHONE:  WK: [415] 336-5463                             |
> |         HM: [408] 270-5619                             |
> \########################################################/

"Those who would sacrifice **  Charles Marslett
liberty for security,      **  STB Systems, Inc. <-- apply all std. disclaimers
deserve neither."          **  Wordmark Systems  <-- that's just me
  -- Benjamin Franklin     **  chasm\@attctc.dallas.tx.us