[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Excel memory requirements??

troj@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu (Kevin Trojanowski) (10/17/89)

> Message-ID: <5146@uhccux.uhcc.hawaii.edu>
>I just reinstalled Microsoft Windows 286 v2.1 and Excel after replacing my
>Hercules display with a VGA card and CRT (an STB AutoVGA card).  Although I
>have 570K of RAM left free and Windows itself fires up fine, Excel refuses
>to fire up complaining that there isn't enough memory.  Any ideas out
>there?  The only thing I have left to try is to play around with removing
>some screen fonts supported by Windows...todd
>Todd Ogasawara, U. of Hawaii

My setup also has approximately 570K RAM available, and I've had no problems
running Excel, including when I've had other (small) applications loaded
into Windows as well.

I'd suggest trying Excel without loading Windows first.  (Instead of
executing Excel from within Windows, just type EXCEL at the DOS prompt,
and it will load the portions of Windows it needs).

-Kevin Trojanowski

todd@uhccux.uhcc.hawaii.edu (Todd Ogasawara) (10/19/89)

I figured out the problem last night...

In case anyone else runs into it, here is what happened...

Put an STB AutoVGA card in a 286 box... Reinstalled Microsoft Windows
286/V2.1.  Installed the "custom Windows screen drivers" supplied by STB.
Excel refused to run complaining about not having enough memory.

Turns out that the custom STB driver was the culprit.  After reinstalling
Windows with its vanilla VGA driver, Excel worked fine.  Guess a letter to
STB is in order...todd
Todd Ogasawara, U. of Hawaii
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