[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Need help installing nethack

tim@apollo.HP.COM (Timothy R. Giebelhaus) (10/20/89)

I am having a problem with nethack.

I have put the following two lines in my autoexec.bat:
set TERM=ansi-color
set TERMCAP = /local/lib/nack/termcap

I have also tried replacing the termcap line with
set TERMCAP = \local\lib\nack\termcap
and then rebooting.

When I execute nethack, it comes back and says:
Unknow terminal type: ansi-color

I am running version 2.3e.
My nethack.cnf reads:
OPTIONS=name:Tim,dogname:Bill,norest_on_space,time,IBMBIOS,packorder:%/=?!+)[(*0,endgame:10 t / 2 a,rawio,nopickup

GRAPHICS = 039 179 196 218 191 217 206 250 176 060 062 094 247 202 198 157

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.
UUCP: tim@apcimsp.uucp
ARPA: tim@apollo.hp.com
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