[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Found Multitech

resnik@grad1.cis.upenn.edu (10/20/89)

I've found Multitech Industrial Corp. -- having a business school
library nearby comes in handy.  For those interested, the Acer 910 is
made by Acer Technologies, 401 Charcot Ave, San Jose, California,
1-800-538-1542; Acer Technologies is a holding of Multitech.  Still,
if anybody has anything interesting to tell me about the Acer 910,
please drop me a line at resnik@grad1.cis.upenn.edu.

Computer and Information Science, Moore School of Engineering
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104

jerry@starfish.Convergent.COM (Gerald Hawkins) (10/21/89)

resnik@grad1.cis.upenn.edu writes:
>I've found Multitech Industrial Corp. -- having a business school
>library nearby comes in handy.  For those interested, the Acer 910 is
>made by Acer Technologies, 401 Charcot Ave, San Jose, California,
>1-800-538-1542; Acer Technologies is a holding of Multitech. 
>  Philip >resnik@grad1.cis.upenn.edu
Almost right.  "Multitech" was the name of Acer Corp until the start of
1988.  Acer has 9 major divisions, is based in Taiwan (where all their
manufacturing is located), and their holdings in the USA include
Acer/Counterpoint.  I visited Acer Taiwan last month; and I know the
founders of Counterpoint.  Acer is dedicated to giving "Made in Taiwan"
the same sort of quality image that "Made in Japan" carries.  Acer won
the Taiwan President's quality award for 1988.  

Acer makes certain PC products for NEC (!), Unisys, Al Alamaih, and
Olympia [for the Japanese/US, US, Arabic and European markets

Jerry		( jerry@starfish.Convergent.COM )