[comp.sys.ibm.pc] 386SX STUFF.

victor.kamutzki@canremote.uucp (VICTOR KAMUTZKI) (10/23/89)

   Mike!  Hello!  Listen, I found a whole bunch of stats and prices and
stuff for you on the current 386sx machines.  If you want them FAST, you
can come to my place this Friday (27th), and I can give you all kinds of
stats.  If you are unavailable this weekend, let me know, and maybe we
can work something out for the following weekend.  In the meantime, I'll
try to compile a brief list of names, prices, and stats for you, and if
you can't get to Ottawa in the near future, I'll mail (or e-mail) them
to you.  Okay?  Oh, and get a REAL job.

 * QNet 1.04a1: >> CanConfMail << Shadow RAM BBS Ottawa, CANADA