[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Problems printing WP 5.0 files

finn@mojo.UUCP (Finn Markmanrud) (10/27/89)

I am having the hardest time getting hard copies from WP 5.0 that look
the way I want them. I think it has to do with alignment, but I can't 
figure it out. The reveal codes tell me nothing, and the WP Corp. so
called "Hot" line remains cold (busy). Maybe some of you "netters" can
help me. The main problem is that the text looks nice and aligned on the
screen, but the printout is completely mis-aligned. When I run the cursor
to the beginning of each line, it shows different positions on the line
(example: 2.46 and 3.23) even though they are straight under eachother on
the screen. I tried to "cheat," and delete and add spaces, but it is not
possible to hit the exact same value from line to line, since it jumps .08
or something like that every keystroke.
It seems as if the spaces and the actual letters take up different amounts
of room on the line. Please tell me this is not true!
If you think you can help, please E-mail or post as soon as possible - I'm
going crazy, and I'm starting to miss Professional Write (Yes - it's getting
serious folks!). 

|   Finn Markmanrud   |   finn@nec.mojo.com    |   "It can't happen here."   | 
|   (508) 264 8668    |      Boxboro, MA       |                     F.Z.    |

mvolo@uncecs.edu (Michael R. Volow) (10/27/89)

It is true, possibly. If you are using a proportionally spaced font
different characters will occuy different widths. You a probably 
spaces to align your text (other than single spaces between words).
If you use a proportionally spaced font, use only tabs to align text.
If you want to use spaces to align text, use only fixed pitch fonts,
such as courier or prestige elite. Times Roman and Helvetica, etc. are
proportional fonts. Another way to check on this is to do a View
Document (Shft-F7, V).

M Volow, VA Medical Center, Durham, NC 27705
mvolo@ecsvax.UUCP           919 286 0411