terry@joshua.math.ucla.edu (11/01/89)
Help! Can someone out there in netland help me with a Kermit problem? I am using Kermit 2.32/A on an IBM PC, connected through COM1 to a Bytcom 24/12ADH 2400/1200 baud Hayes-compatible modem. I am trying to implement speed selection in a Kermit script. The modems I call are a mixture of 2400 and 1200 baud. The 2400 baud modems are connected to a Sun 3/280 running 4.3 BSD UNIX. Its ttys & gettytab are setup so that the ports connected to the 2400 baud modems initially pick up at 1200. They are speed selectable by sending a break; successive breaks rotate the ports through speeds of 2400, 300, and back to 1200. The problem: I can manually speed select, i.e. if I call one of these modems at 2400 baud by using the Kermit "connect" command and entering "atdt number", I can get the Sun to go up to 2400 by pressing Ctrl-Break. Alternately, I can assign a key to send Ctrl-Break with the Kermit SET KEY command. For example, SET KEY \315 \KBreak allows be to send breaks using F1. This works fine. However, I want to be able to automate this process. I wrote a bit of Kermit script: output at dt (number) \13 input 20 CONNECT :loop output \Kbreak input 5 login if success goto done goto loop :done echo This thing finally worked! Unfortunately, it never reaches the "done" part -- the breaks sent by the script don't seem to be the same as those sent through the keyboard, even with SET KEY. Using the long break \Klbreak has similarly disappointing results. However, even if I interrupt this script in the middle, connect, and send the breaks by hand, it suddenly works, and I get the login prompt. I have run the above script with SET INPUT ECHO ON and all I see coming through is garbage like "xf''f''''", a sure indicator of a baud problem. I have written a modem-testing program in Kermit script that connects and logs in at 1200 baud on these same modems, so they're recognizing something Kermit sends. So.... Does anyone know what's wrong? Are the \Kbreaks somehow different in a script? Any suggestions? Please reply by e-mail; I will post a summary and send results and my modem tester to anyone who wants it. Thanks!