brs (06/30/82)
In the original book "Bambi: A life in the woods" by Felix Salten, Bambi is separated from his mother during a mass panic caused by hunters on a rampage through the woods. That chapter ends "Bambi never saw his mother again". His father, who utters the famous words, "Get up, Bambi. You *MUST* get up.", after Bambi is wounded by a hunter, reappears periodically. At the end, when Bambi has learnt to leave alone, he exits with dignity to die. Despite animals talking, the book is quite good and not very sentimental. Animals live, play, and die in pain. Bambi turns his back on love and walks the path of survival, alone. Although frightening to children, the movie was much milder. The book, originally published in 1928, is available in trade paperback from Pocket Books with a beautiful cover of a deer. I got it on a lark from Barnes & Noble for $2 but was quite impressed. A children's classic more suitable for adults.