EXTIM@latvax8.lat.oz (11/04/89)
I am posting this for a friend who is involved in preparing slides for the presentation of scientific data. I am looking for a graphics package to supplement my existing software used for producing presentation graphics. I currently use Freelance 3.0, Graphwriter II and Harvard Graphics all of which do not produce charts with error bars. I can use a high, low, close chart, then overlay the lines or bars etc, but it can be time consuming. Can someone advise me of a scientific graphics package that will produce the charts I want and can output to the ANSI .CGM format, so I can then import them into Freelance and then image onto 35mm film via a film recorder. Greg Yu Ian McCauley, Veterinary Research Institute, Attwood Vic., Australia ACSNET:..extim@latvax8.lat.oz ARPA:....extim%latvax8.lat.oz@uunet.uu.net UUCP: ...{uunet,ukc,mcvax,hplabs,nttlab}!munnari!latvax8.lat.oz!extim