[comp.sys.ibm.pc] ATT6300+ Dumb question !

fanchiot@acf4.NYU.EDU (Sergio H. Fanchiotti) (11/04/89)

Dear People,

	I have an ATT6300+ PC runing UNIX V 2.0 ( Ok it isn't the
latest but it does its job) . There are some questions that maybe
somebody more knowledgable can answer:

1) This PC is running at 6Mhz clock freq: If I install a 10Mhz
286 chip and change the crystal , would it run as usual ?? (maybe
it is a dumb question becauise of RAM speed or timing but ...)

2) The soft supports a MSDOS mode and lately I added a 287
coprocessor. Most of the soft takes it except the Norton
test that does not find the coprocessor !!! why ?

			Thanks in advance for any answer or advice

					Sergio Fanchiotti
