2HGXHECTOR@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu (11/09/89)
I have a friend (who does not have access to the net), who is running into problems with his computer. He has a 12 MHz 286 based computer, with an MCGA graphics card and a CGA monitor. To find what is causing the problem he has removed the hard drive, modem and mouse. Basically, it it floppy-driven now. His problem is that whenever he runs his computer at Turbo mode (i.e. 12 MHz) he gets an "Intermittent memory read error" and the system hungs up. This however, does not happen all the time, but when a screen refresh or update is done. Also, when he runs the Norton Integrator's system information the computer hangs up with the same error message just as it is getting ready to display the 'display memory size' --this again happens in the turbo mode. Thus he thinks that he has a bad memory chip in his display memory. The question is, "is the bad memory chip on the display card or in the main memory?" If anybody can help it will be greatly appreciated. Please e-mail your answers to 2HGXHECTOR@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu Mehmet.