[comp.sys.ibm.pc] NEEDED: TP or TC source for TIFF displayer

consp21@bingsung.cc.binghamton.edu (Ken Hoover) (11/09/89)

	I need Turbo Pascal (5.0) or Turbo C (2.0) source for a project that 
I'm working on that will display TIFF images from disk files onto a color
VGA screen.  If anyone has any lying around, I would greatly appreciate
a copy of this code.

	Please reply by mail.

				Thanks in advance!

					- Ken

Turbo Pascal and Turbo C are trademarks of Borland International.

Ken Hoover [ consp21@bingsuns.pod.binghamton.edu | consp21@bingvaxa.BITNET ]
     Resident computer jock and Mac hacker, SUNY-Binghamton Bio dept.
     Senior undergraduate consultant, SUNY-Binghamton Computer Center