[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Bugs in Borland's VGA256.BGI

TEITTINEN@cc.helsinki.fi (Marko) (11/14/89)

I've found three bugs in Borland's VGA256.BGI. I wonder if somebody else
has come across these bugs and probably debugged the driver. Or can I
find patches or perhaps sources for VGA256.BGI somewhere?

All the bugs are in bitimage handling functions. Here's the list:
  1) The value imagesize returns is too big. It would be enough to
     allocate 4+h*w bytes (w=width, h=height), but imagesize uses
     formula 6+h*8*((w-1)/8+1).
  2) Function getimage should store w-1 in the first word of the image
     and h-1 in the second, but actually it stores w (not w-1!) in the
     first byte and h in the second. This doesn't matter very much, for
     putimage has the same bug, so they both know the size of the image.
  3) Function putimage does not draw the image on the screen if the last
     column of the image would appear on column 319. However there is
     no problems using the last row (199). An example of this bug: if I've
     got a bitimage whose size is 8*8 I can not place it at (312,0)
     (upper left corner), but actually it would fit in the screen!

Can anybody help me with these problems, especially with the last one,
for that is the most annoying of them.

Thanks in advance.

E-Mail: teittinen@finuh.bitnet               ! "Studying is the only way
        teittinen@cc.helsinki.fi             !  to do nothing without
Marko Teittinen, student of computer science !  anyone blaming you" -me