[comp.sys.ibm.pc] SUMMARY: File transfer of .exe files using FIXED

ross@mscf.med.upenn.edu (11/15/89)

First, I would like to thank everybody who responded to my question
regarding transfer of .exe files between VAXs via a PC.

As this information was very useful, I thought I would summarize for the

	To send a .exe file from one vax to another via a PC
        do the following:

VAX 1 --------------------->   PC    --------------------> VAX2
using kermit....           using kermit....                using kermit....
set file type fixed        receive the file                set file type fixed
send filename              as binary.  Then send using     receive
                           binary to VAX2.

			--- Andy Ross ---
                    University of Pennsylvania
		 Medical School Computer Facility