[comp.sys.ibm.pc] MSWindows/386 and ARCNet

kleonard@gvlv2.GVL.Unisys.COM (Ken Leonard) (11/16/89)

Comments, Suggestions, and Anecdotes gratefully received...
We are installing DataPoint Corp's "DataLAN 4" product for a collection of
80386 PClones.  The net is physically ARCNet, and comes with a very complete
(so it seems) NETBIOS implementation which conforms to all the MS-IBM-LAN-
manager and -application specs.  The ARCNet interface cards "RIM"s are
made by Power Technology.  The LAN operating software is by CBIS with
DataPoint enhancements.
It does work very well for LAN-utility ops, sharing (_all_ stations
configured as net-servers) and simple applications.
It eats up quite a bit of memory per system with NETBIOS, user-workstation
TSRs, and server TSRs.
We could use (I think) 386^MAX (or other?) to park the TSRs (and NETBIOS, too?)
in memory between 640K and 1M, or above 1M somewhere. (_All_ of the machines
have _at_least_ 2M extended above 1M.) (_None_ of the machines have
expanded mem hardware or bios or software.)
Are there any PD, ShareWare, or InexpensiveProduct ways to unclog the TSRs?
Several of the PClones run MSWindows/386 and need to use netservices and
netdevices for _standard_ applications invoked under Windows.  ...and for
Windows-accessible printers and net-shared-disks.
So far, the standard apps can usually use net-printers OK, but sometimes
the system running the app just seems to go away.
Windows (Notepad, for example) can sometimes print to a net-printer, but
usually ends up getting nowhere. (shows sending-to-print popup, shows
spooler icon, blinks an error (?) icon too fast to see, clears spooler icon,
returns to normal (except when it freezes the system))
Windows does _not_ show net-shared disks at the top of the window, so
obviously (?) will not permit request to show files there so can't try to
use files there so can't tell if it works.
So, who has any great ideas?