[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Trouble compiling PCCURSES1.3 with TURBO-C 2.01

pete@othello.dartmouth.edu (Pete Schmitt) (11/23/89)

I just got TURBO-C 2.0 and tried first to recompile the PCCURSES libraries.

The compilation goes fine, so it seems, but after the libraries get made
the objects inside are empty in size.

I reinstalled TURBO-C 1.5 and of course the libraries are made correctly.
Has anyone else resolved this or not had it at all?
Below are listings from both scurses.lib with V2.0 first:
Publics by module

ATTRIB  	size = 192
	__curses_attrib_rcsid             _attroff
	_attron                           _attrset
	_standend                         _standout
	_wattroff                         _wattron
	_wattrset                         _wstandend

BEEP    	size = 0

BORDER  	size = 0

BOXES   	size = 0

CHARADD 	size = 0

CHARDEL 	size = 0

CHARGET 	size = 0

CHARINS 	size = 0

CHARPICK	size = 0

CLRTOBOT	size = 0

CLRTOEOL	size = 0

CURSESIO	size = 0

ENDWIN  	size = 0

INITSCR 	size = 0

LINEDEL 	size = 0

LINEINS 	size = 0

LONGNAME	size = 0

MOVE    	size = 0

MVCURSOR	size = 0

NEWWIN  	size = 0

OPTIONS 	size = 0

OVERLAY 	size = 908
	__curses_overlay_rcsid            _overlay

PRNTSCAN	size = 0

REFRESH 	size = 0

SCRREG  	size = 0

SETMODE 	size = 0

SETTERM 	size = 0

STRADD  	size = 0

STRGET  	size = 0

TABSIZE 	size = 0

TERMMISC	size = 0

UNCTRL  	size = 0

UPDATE  	size = 0

WINCLEAR	size = 0

WINDEL  	size = 0

WINERASE	size = 0

WINMOVE 	size = 0

WINSCROL	size = 0

WINTOUCH	size = 0
Publics by module

ATTRIB  	size = 182
	__curses_attrib_rcsid             _attroff
	_attron                           _attrset
	_standend                         _standout
	_wattroff                         _wattron
	_wattrset                         _wstandend

BEEP    	size = 111
	__curses_beep_rcsid               _beep

BORDER  	size = 142
	__curses_border_rcsid             _border

BOXES   	size = 803
	__curses_boxes_rcsid              _box

CHARADD 	size = 869
	__chadd                           __curses_charadd_rcsid
	_addch                            _addrawch
	_mvaddch                          _mvaddrawch
	_mvwaddch                         _mvwaddrawch
	_waddch                           _waddrawch

CHARDEL 	size = 281
	__curses_chardel_rcsid            _delch
	_mvdelch                          _mvwdelch

CHARGET 	size = 1296
	__curses_charget_rcsid            __cursespendch
	_flushinp                         _mvgetch
	_mvwgetch                         _wgetch

CHARINS 	size = 539
	__curses_charins_rcsid            _insch
	_insrawch                         _mvinsch
	_mvinsrawch                       _mvwinsch
	_mvwinsrawch                      _winsch

CHARPICK	size = 222
	__curses_charpick_rcsid           _inch
	_mvinch                           _mvwinch

CLRTOBOT	size = 401
	__curses_clrtobot_rcsid           _clrtobot
	_mvclrtobot                       _mvwclrtobot

CLRTOEOL	size = 395
	__curses_clrtoeol_rcsid           _clrtoeol
	_mvcltoreol                       _mvwclrtoeol

CURSESIO	size = 529
	__curses_curseio_rcsid            __cursescattr
	__cursescmode                     __cursescursor
	__cursesgcb                       __cursesgcmode
	__cursesgcols                     __curseskey
	__curseskeytst                    __cursesputc
	__cursesscb                       __cursesscroll

ENDWIN  	size = 79
	__curses_endwin_rcsid             _endwin

INITSCR 	size = 277
	_COLS                             _LINES
	__curses_cpyrgt                   __curses_initscr_rcsid
	__curses_revcod                   __cursvar
	_curscr                           _initscr

LINEDEL 	size = 282
	__curses_linedel_rcsid            _deleteln
	_mvdeleteln                       _mvwdeleteln

LINEINS 	size = 282
	__curses_lineins_rcsid            _insertln
	_mvinsertln                       _mvwinsertln

LONGNAME	size = 45
	__curses_longname_rcsid           _longname

MOVE    	size = 103
	__curses_move_rcsid               _move

MVCURSOR	size = 86
	__curses_mvcursor_rcsid           _mvcur

NEWWIN  	size = 858
	__curses_newwin_rcsid             _newwin

OPTIONS 	size = 186
	__curses_options_rcsid            _clearok
	_cursoff                          _curson
	_idlok                            _keypad
	_leaveok                          _meta
	_nodelay                          _scrollok

OVERLAY 	size = 722
	__curses_overlay_rcsid            _overlay

PRNTSCAN	size = 1598
	__curses_prntscan_rcsid           _mvprintw
	_mvscanw                          _mvwprintw
	_mvwscanw                         _printw
	_scanw                            _wprintw

REFRESH 	size = 500
	__curses_refresh_rcsid            _refresh
	_wnoutrefresh                     _wrefresh

SCRREG  	size = 107
	__curses_scrreg_rcsid             _setscrreg

SETMODE 	size = 122
	__curses_setmode_rcsid            _def_prog_mode
	_def_shell_mode                   _reset_prog_mode

SETTERM 	size = 118
	__curses_setterm_rcsid            _cbreak
	_crmode                           _echo
	_nl                               _nocbreak
	_nocrmode                         _noecho
	_nonl                             _noraw
	_raw                              _refrbrk

STRADD  	size = 168
	__curses_stradd_rcsid             _addstr
	_mvaddstr                         _mvwaddstr

STRGET  	size = 607
	__curses_strget_rcsid             _getstr
	_mvgetstr                         _mvwgetstr

TABSIZE 	size = 71
	__curses_tabsize_rcsid            _tabsize

TERMMISC	size = 121
	__curses_termmisc_rcsid           _baudrate
	_erasechar                        _fixterm
	_gettmode                         _killchar
	_resetterm                        _resetty
	_saveoldterm                      _saveterm
	_savetty                          _setterm

UNCTRL  	size = 101
	__curses_unctrl_rcsid             _unctrl

UPDATE  	size = 783
	__curses_update_rcsid             _doupdate

WINCLEAR	size = 65
	__curses_winclear_rcsid           _clear

WINDEL  	size = 109
	__curses_windel_rcsid             _delwin

WINERASE	size = 162
	__curses_winerase_rcsid           _erase

WINMOVE 	size = 92
	__curses_winmove_rcsid            _mvwin

WINSCROL	size = 237
	__curses_winscrol_rcsid           _scroll

WINTOUCH	size = 93
	__curses_wintouch_rcsid           _touchwin
Peter R. Schmitt - UNIX Consultant, User Services - Peter.Schmitt@dartmouth.edu

frotz@drivax.UUCP (Frotz) (11/23/89)

pete@othello.dartmouth.edu (Pete Schmitt) writes:
] I just got TURBO-C 2.0 and tried first to recompile the PCCURSES libraries.
] The compilation goes fine, so it seems, but after the libraries get made
] the objects inside are empty in size.
] I reinstalled TURBO-C 1.5 and of course the libraries are made correctly.
] Has anyone else resolved this or not had it at all?
] Below are listings from both scurses.lib with V2.0 first:
] =========================================================================
] Publics by module	(2.0)
] ATTRIB  	size = 192
] 	__curses_attrib_rcsid             _attroff ...
] BEEP    	size = 0
] ========================================================================
] Publics by module	(1.5)
] ATTRIB  	size = 182
] 	__curses_attrib_rcsid             _attroff ...
] BEEP    	size = 111
] 	__curses_beep_rcsid               _beep
] 	_flash                          

Try ensuring that the librarian input file (or what every you are
using as your library) is correct.  I have had this problem before.
Don't remember whether it was with MS-LIB or not (~03:50 here) but I
do remember that this can be a problem with tlib.  For me, (I use
NDMAKE 4.5...) the solution is to NOT let NDMAKE create the librarian
input file, but to do it by hand and to ALWAYS remove the old library
before adding to (creating) the new library. 

Either way it sounds like a librarian input file specification
