[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Porting Larn with TurboC v2

1013_4111@uwovax.uwo.ca (11/30/89)

Help! I'm trying to port Larn v12.1 with TurboC v2.0. After a few corrections
I'm able to get the makefile to compile and link, but the game does not 
run properly. The information line is filled with graphics characters, 
accompanied by a chorus of beeps. I have installed the Nansi.sys which
cam in the file, and installed the termcap library which was provided.
I also enabled both MSDOS and DGK switches, which should have insured the
proper use of the the screen and keypad. The keypad works, but I do have the 
above mentioned problems.

I'm running DOS 3.3 on an IBM model 50 with a monochrome screen. Any help
would be appreciated.

p.s. Sorry for the extended signiture file.
Sterling Gunn                 |               ____          ____
1013_4111@UWOVAX.UWO.CA       |              /    \___  ___/    \
Dept. of Applied Mathematics  |             /      __    __      \
University of Western Ontario |           _/      /__\  /__\      \_
London, Ontario               |         _/       |/  \||/  \|       \_  
Canada                        |       _/       /\| ** || ** |/\       \_     
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                                                  " SKEETER "