(Keith Ford x8614) (11/30/89)
I would like to do the following two things: (1) expand the size of
my enviroment space to 512 bytes and (2) have the command processor,, run from my ramdisk on drive E:. I've messed around with
the COMSPEC enviroment variable and DOS 'COMMAND /E:nnn' stuff, even
the EXPENV program which uses AUTOEXEK.BAT. Some combinations almost
worked but I was never certain. Who out there has the answer. Please
respond by Email if possible. TIA -kef
>>>>> ...!uunet!ingr!b23b!dragon!keith <<<<<
"Fer cryin' out loud, research physicists need porsches too!" -Opus
"...the Trees are all kept equal by hatchet, axe, and saw." -Rush