[comp.sys.ibm.pc] 286,386SX motherboard for 4.77MHz XT

muller@sbsvax.UUCP (Francois Muller) (11/30/89)

I'd like to make a low-cost upgrade on my good old 4.77 MHz XT.
I thought about replacing my motherboard by a 286/16 or 386SX board.
Can I still use old components, namely the ST 225 HD, Hercules card,
floppy controller(360KB) and the 135W power supply?

Could anyone tell me what parts will work (even if they will
slow down overall speed) and what parts must be replaced ?

thanx in advance.

        Franz Muller
        Universitaet des Saarlandes
        Fachbereich Informatik

E-mail: muller@uni-sb.cs.de