[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Psych testing software

jpalmer@uwovax.uwo.ca (J. Palmer) (11/21/89)

	My wife is a psychologist. She recently saw mention in the 
_Jl. Child Psychol. Psychiat._, Vol. 30, No. 4, 1989, p I., of a
software package [JCPP-033-587] called "The L.I.F.E. Diary", an 
interactive tester which, "...allows a non-programmer to easily convert 
virtually any paper and pencil test into a computer administered,
scored and profiled test." The brief mention of the software lists
Dick Inglis, Walla Walla, Washington, as "contributor" and says it has been
in use at 70 sites for about 3 years. It is distributed by Psytek
Services, whoever and wherever that is.

	Does anyone know anything about this program or any other 
which would facilitate pyschological testing and assessments?


 reply to jpalmer@uwovax.uwo.ca         The Economics Institute for Journalists
 London, Ontario CANADA N6A 5C2		Voice: (519) 661-3533     FAX: 661-3292
 The New Economics:   Overlapping Generalizations & Rationalized Expectorations

jpalmer@uwovax.uwo.ca (J. Palmer) (12/02/89)

About three or four weeks ago, I posted the following:

Newsgroups: sci.psychology,comp.sys.ibm.pc
Subject: Psych. testing software
Lines: 20

	My wife is a psychologist. She recently saw mention in the 
_Jl. Child Psychol. Psychiat._, Vol. 30, No. 4, 1989, p I., of a
software package [JCPP-033-587] called "The L.I.F.E. Diary", an 
interactive tester which, "...allows a non-programmer to easily convert 
virtually any paper and pencil test into a computer administered,
scored and profiled test." The brief mention of the software lists
Dick Inglis, Walla Walla, Washington, as "contributor" and says it has been
in use at 70 sites for about 3 years. It is distributed by Psytek
Services, whoever and wherever that is.

	Does anyone know anything about this program or any other 
which would facilitate pyschological testing and assessments?

	The two replies I received arrived on the same day. The relevant 
portions of each are presented below:

Could you please  let me have  any information you  receive about this


		    Internet: C.Eagle@massey.ac.nz

From: syswerda@BBN.COM

Could you send me anything you find out from your request?
Thank you.  --Gil

 reply to jpalmer@uwovax.uwo.ca         The Economics Institute for Journalists
 London, Ontario CANADA N6A 5C2		Voice: (519) 661-3533     FAX: 661-3292
 The New Economics:   Overlapping Generalizations & Rationalized Expectorations