[net.movies] TRON flame

katic@sri-unix (08/02/82)

Having seen TRON for the first time last nite, I am now ready to discuss it.

Yes, the acting isn't the best--but its ok.  Given the difficulty of working
in an environment totally divorced from the major data inputs for the actors
(sets, etc), the acting wad pretty good.

Yes, the plot is weak.  But so what--it is good enough to be minimally
believeable.  At least it HAD a plot, and it was internally consistant and
carried thru the entire film consistently.

Yes, the computer graphics were great.  I haven't enjoyed anything so much in
a long time.

So, what am I going to flame about??


Having gotten enough of the pseudomystical religious nonsense from the churchs,
the "fair" press we have, TV "ministers" and all sorts of other worthless
huchsters, I had intended to have a nite of pure enjoyment.  What I got instead
was the Judeo-Christian savour myth, served up in an asinine setting.  Do a bit
of substitution:
	user		christ
	program		person
	MCP		devil
	io channel	church	(fuzzy here, I can't remember what they called
				the place where the old man was.)
	computer	universe
And you are back in sunday school, being told to swallow all that guff we were
all fed as children.  I am afraid that I had come to expect a lot more from
Disney, and stopped seeing thier movies a few years ago when I stopped seeing it.
I was hoping TRON was better, but appearently somebody sold out to Falwell &


I would like to here this subject debated over the net because I am becomming
increasingly concerned about the seemingly great rise in (what I see as) the
dangerous trends of repression engendered by the "Moral Majority" types.  If
free people are to remain free, the atmosphere must be kept clear or EVERYONE
trying to restrict personal liberties.  The fact that--should I want one--I may
have to go to ridiculous extents to get a Playboy or Hustler makes me nervous.

Well, enough for now.

katic	(....!nsc!katic)

joel (08/03/82)

You would like to "here this subject debated over the net"?
Don't you mean "hear this subject debated"?
Or maybe it's "read this subject".  Or is it "reed this subject"?
No wonder you feel like a child in Sunday school.  You write like one.
Or is it "rite like one"?
Next time, put articles like this in net.jokes where they belong.

Joel Duerksen

3215rfs (08/03/82)

This flame seems a bit paranoid.

What we have with TRON is a Walt Disney good guy-bad guy movie.

If you want depth try Satre, not Disney.

ecn-pa.bruner (08/03/82)

If this becomes a discussion, it really belongs somewhere else than
"net.movies", so I submitted a reply to "net.misc".

John Bruner
Purdue University/EE Department

rael (08/04/82)

   I fail to see the connection between TRON and Sunday school.
   I can't understand how nsc!katic first tells the net that the plot of
TRON was consistent but "thin", and then he reads all these religious 
parallels into it.
   Don't get me wrong now, I am pro morality but I disagree with the way
in which the Moral Majority plans to make our country "moral" (to the point
that I consider myself a member of the "Inmoral Minority"). Still, if we
are going to start making these parallels then we are in trouble.
   For example, take your standart plot or story. What have you got in it?:

	Trouble element		People

	Bad Guy			Devil

	Hero			Christ

Get it??
   At some point in time we have to start trusting and beleiving that the
authors are trying to entertain us or giving us a message (different from
the one dealt with in this article); otherwise we'll be involved in this
religious arena in 99% of everything that has and will ever be written.


bstempleton (08/04/82)

Well, I thought that the 'Flynn as Christ' in TRON was fairly obvious
as well.  This suprised me, for when I recall my days in High School English
classes, I remember how funny I thought it was that teachers like to link
central characters in books to Christ.  Here it was, right in the open.

Allusions to Christianity are quite common in literature, perhaps more common
than they should be.  It's hard to deny the amount of influence those religions
have had on western culture, of course, so it's not too surprising to find
literature reflecting them.  What is true is that most christ figures in books
only bear a small resemblance to old Jesus.  It is thus not too surprising to
find differences between TRON and real Christianity.

It is quite possible that the authors of TRON did not even do it on purpose -
perhaps this myth is so engrained into society that they did it by accident.
Even though I am not religious in any way, the symbolism did not bother me
at all, unlike the flamer to whom I am responding.
At any rate, I don't think there's a real big deal.  TRON was just a fantasy,
and a very enjoyable one at that.

novo (08/10/82)

	Although what inuxa!rael says is true, there are some religious
themes in TRON. Several lines compare the users to God, such as:

	T!		Thank God!
	The users wrote us.		God created us.