(pingpong) (12/07/89)
Does anyone know if the Intel Visual Edge Board works with the new HP Laser IIP? Thanks plenty.
plim@hpsgpa.HP.COM (Peter Lim) (12/11/89)
> Does anyone know if the Intel Visual Edge Board works with the new > HP Laser IIP? > As far as I know: NO ! The only thing that works with the Intel Visual Edga Board (or any other board which uses the special video port) is the LaserJet Series II. Even the 2D doesn't work. Anyway, these are just my own opinion. Regards, Peter Lim. HP Singapore IC Design Center. E-mail address: plim@hpsgwg.HP.COM Snail Mail address: Peter Lim Hewlett Packard Singapore, (ICDS, ICS) 1150, Depot Road, Singapore 0410. Telephone: (065)-279-2289