[comp.sys.ibm.pc] LK250 keyboard question resolved

gjp@sei.cmu.edu (George Pandelios) (12/12/89)

Greetings Netlanders!

A few weeks I posted a request for information concerning Digital Equipment
Corporation LK250 keyboards.  Specifically, I asked how these keyboards (which
are laid out like VT220s but attach to IBM PC/XT/AT/Compatibles) could generate
the CTRL-ALT-ESC sequence needed to reach my system's ROM SETUP.

Well, the nice folks at Digital answered my question.  The short answer is
that because of the time (it preceeded most clones and was built strictly 
for the VAXmate) and the way it was designed, the keyboard is incapable of 
electronically generating that sequence.  It does, however, generate

If you want to save the SETUP and restore it when your batteries wear out,
then you must use a utility similar to CMOS (available from any Shareware
house).  Changing the SETUP from the keyboard will probably require a piece
of low level code.

My thanks to those who responded.

  George J. Pandelios				ArpaNet:  gjp@sei.cmu.edu
  Software Engineering Institute		usenet:	  sei!gjp
  4500 Fifth Avenue				Voice:	  (412) 268-7186
  Pittsburgh, PA 15213
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