[comp.sys.ibm.pc] 320x200x16 EGA mode with Turbo-C

talvola@janus.berkeley.edu (Erik Talvola) (12/15/89)

  I have looked in the manuals for Turbo-C v2.0, and I can't figure
out how to access the 320x200x16 video mode.  The only 16 color
modes that are listed are 640x200, 640x350, and the VGA ones.  I
could use 320x200x256, since I have a VGA, but I would rather use
the 320x200x16 for compatibility for EGA in my program.  I could
use a higher resolution, but I have a set of bitmaps for the 320x200
resolution that I would like to use.  I have been having problems
with CompuServe lately (my password doesn't seem to work anymore),
so I thought I'd ask about it here while I am straightening that
out.  Please mail any responses, since I don't read this often.
Many thanks in advance...

! Erik Talvola               | "It's just what we need... a colossal negative 
! talvola@janus.berkeley.edu | space wedgie of great power coming right at us
! ...!ucbvax!janus!talvola   | at warp speed." -- Star Drek