[comp.sys.ibm.pc] AutoFTP?

) (12/18/89)

In article <14807@eerie.acsu.Buffalo.EDU>, wnbell@acsu.Buffalo.EDU (william n bell) writes:
> In article <3287@cbnewsl.ATT.COM> saify@cbnewsl.ATT.COM (saify.lanewala) writes:
>>I have been trying to ftp into WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL for a *LONG*
>>time now -- averaging about five or six times a week.  I have yet
>>to get in.  I keep getting the message:
>>Does *anyone* have any idea what the anonymous user limit is?
>>Is this a common problem or am I one of a pre-ordained few that
>>cannot get in?
>>Is there an alternative to using ftp to get into SIMTEL?
> Yes, get autoFTP! It works in the background!
> Out Of Touch BBS - 716-825-4268 from 8pm-8am!
>  FIDO 1:260/170... Online games!
Does anyone know of any Servers which has autoFTP?  Also, what is it?
For what system is it for?

 Santanu Sircar                                BITNET:   ssircar@umaecs.bitnet
 University of Massachusetts/Amherst           INTERNET: ssircar@ecs.umass.edu
 "A pig ate his fill of acorns under an oak tree and then started to root
   around the tree.  A crow remarked, `You should not do this.  If you lay bare
   the roots, the tree will wither and die.' `Let it die,' said the pig.  `Who
   cares so long as there are acorns?'"		-Anonymous