[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Windows Write

ccsmh@gdr.bath.ac.uk (Mark Harding) (12/20/89)

I'e just noticed a very annoying feature with Windows Write.  When you specify
a file for it to edit, it *totally* disregards any file attributes - i.e. read
only' and does the edit anyway. When you save the file it becomes normal.

I really don't want this to happen - what can I do??

How about restricting it to only .wri files?

 _ _ _   __   _ __   _   ,   _    ,   Mark Harding,
' ) ) ) /  ) ' )  ) ' ) /   ' )  /    Small Systems Team,
 / / / /--/   /--'   /-<     /--/     Bath University,
/ ' (_/  (_  /  \_  /   ) o /  (_o    England.  Tel: 0225 826026