[comp.sys.ibm.pc] hyper text

gould@physics.usc.edu (Christopher Gould) (08/31/89)

	I am looking for a package to allow the use of hypertext-like
help facilities within programs I write.  An example of the facility
is Microsoft's QuickAdvisor, but this works only within the Quick
environment, not from a user program, even though users can add
entries to the help database.

	Packages which people on the net have mentioned, but without
personal experience, include:

	Hyperinterface:Menu from Avanpro

	Memory Mate from Broderbund

	HyperPad from Brightbill-Roberts

	Black Magic from Ntergaid (reviewed in Computer Language, May 1989).

Will anyone confess to personal experience with any of these products?
What works?


Christopher M. Gould - Univ of Southern Calif - Dept of Physics   (213)743-8521
Internet: gould@usc.edu    Bitnet: gould@uscvm    UUCP: uunet!usc!physics!gould

ted@swrinde.nde.swri.edu (Ted Mueller) (12/21/89)

HELP -- can anyone point me in the right direction on HYPER-TEXT for the
PC.  Info, company names, software packages, personal preferences etc

Please e-mail:

$ {cs.utexas.edu, gatech!petro, sun!texsun}!swrinde!ted

	Thanks in advance -- Ted