hoang@rex.cs.tulane.edu (Dzung Hoang) (12/27/89)
I have just acquired a JRAM-2 memory expansion board with 2MB of memory. The board is made by Tall Tree and comes with several programs on disk: JBOOT, JET, JSPOOL, JOUTPUT, and others. The most important item that I don't have is the documentation for the board and the software. I was able to get the board to work as a ramdisk, but Norton's SI no longer works. Also, the extra memory is not recognized as extended or expanded memory. The board is installed in a CompuAdd 286/10 AT compatible. I would really appreciate any help from anyone who is familiar with the JRAM-2 memory board. Thank you in advance. Dzung Hoang -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- hoang@comus.cs.tulane.edu hoang@rex.cs.tulane.edu hoang@comus.UUCP hoang@rex.UUCP tulane!comus!hoang tulane!rex!hoang -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
forrest@phobos.sybase.com (Jon Forrest) (12/28/89)
In article <1749@rex.cs.tulane.edu> hoang@rex.cs.tulane.edu (Dzung Hoang) writes: > > I have just acquired a JRAM-2 memory expansion board with 2MB of >memory. The board is made by Tall Tree and comes with several programs >on disk: JBOOT, JET, JSPOOL, JOUTPUT, and others. The most important >item that I don't have is the documentation for the board and the software. >I was able to get the board to work as a ramdisk, but Norton's SI no longer >works. Also, the extra memory is not recognized as extended or expanded >memory. The board is installed in a CompuAdd 286/10 AT compatible. > > I would really appreciate any help from anyone who is familiar with >the JRAM-2 memory board. This board is provides neither expanded or extended memory. It uses a bank switching technique that never became a standard. This means that except for the programs that came with it, all you can use it for is a ram disk (unless you write your own programs that know how their bank switching works). One good effect of this board is that it can increase the amount of memory available to DOS to 704K. It's funny you had that problem with Norton's SI program. I had the same problem when I installed the JRAM-2 board in my Leading Edge Model M but I thought the problem was my system. You didn't say what kind of system you have. Newer versions of SI have an option that allows you to not run the memory sizing part of SI. I have a JRAM-2 with 0K with all software and documentation that I'd like to sell for $80. ---- Anything you read here is my opinion and in no way represents Sybase, Inc. Jon Forrest WB6EDM forrest@sybase.com {pacbell,sun,{uunet,ucbvax}!mtxinu}!sybase!forrest 415-596-3422