[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Checksumming a .EXE file

gs940971@longs.LANCE.ColoState.Edu (glen sunada f84) (12/28/89)

   I am writing an application where I need to be able to check if .EXE
files have been changed.  I want to do this as part of the initialzation
of the package.  I would also like to be able to do this without prior
chekcsuming of the files and storage of the checksums in a data file
because the number of .EXE files I need to checksum is not uniqely
determined by the pcakage.

   I have been able to find references to the structure of .EXE file
headers and know where the file checksum is located.  What I haven not
been able to determine is the checksumming algorithm used by the
Microsoft Linker in determing that checksun.

   All help is greatly appreciated.  Please post short answers and mail
long ones to me.  I will sumaraize any answers I get by mail to the net.

   Thanks in advance.

BTW.  I am writeing this for DOS 3.3

Glen U. Sunada
reboud to ...ncar!boulder!ccncsu!longs.LANCE.ColoState.EDU!gs940971