[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Turning off <Shift><*>

samlb@pioneer.arc.nasa.gov (Sam Bassett RCD) (12/31/89)

	This is probably a dumb question, but is there any way to turn
off the PrtSc function on the IBM PC (clone) keyboard?  When I am typing
fast, I invariably hit <Shift> and <*> and the machine locks up until I
turn on the printer.

	Machine: Taiwanese PC Clone, MS-DOS 3.0

	Please reply by email, as I don't usually read this newsgroup . .


Sam'l Bassett, Sterling Software @ NASA Ames Research Center, 
Moffett Field CA 94035 Work: (415) 694-4792;  Home: (415) 969-2644
samlb@well.sf.ca.us                     samlb@ames.arc.nasa.gov 
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