[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Clipper Interfacing with C

deen@topaz.rutgers.edu (Cinnamon Raisin) (01/03/90)

I have been trying for several days to successfully interface a few C
modules with a Clipper driver.
I am using Clipper Summer '87 and Microsoft Quick C 2.0. Essentially, I am
compiling the C modules with the following flags:

	/FPi	/FPi inline with emulator (default)
	/c	/c compile only, no link
	/Gs	/Gs no stack checking
	/AL	/AL large model
	/Zl	/Zl remove default library info
	/Olt	/Ol enable loop optimizations, /Ot enable optimization

This is essentially the direction given in the Clipper Manual.
I am compiling the Clipper segment merely by typing CLIPPER <NAME>.

Finally, I am linking the 2 with the following command (MicroSoft Linker 4.3):


where LLIBCE is the C library and CLIPPER.LIB and EXTEND.LIB are the Clipper

This produces a .EXE file which runs fine provided that the C routines do
not use any floating point math. I can declare variables in the C routines
to be of type float or double and the .EXE still runs fine, but as soon as
I attempt to assign a value to any float or double, the resulting .EXE hangs
the machine (an AST Premium 286, DOS 3.3) and a hard boot is necessary. It
seems I am missing something here, but I am not sure what.

Has anyone encountered this problem, or could anyone suggest anything I might
be overlooking? I would be grateful for any suggestions.

Please e-mail all responses directly back to me, preferably to



deen@topaz.rutgers.edu   rutgers!gritty!zraisin   Super Amazin Cinnamon Raisin
< < < < M A Y   T H E   P R E Z E N T   T E N Z   B E   W I T H   Y O U > > > >