twb@cbnewsh.ATT.COM (thomas.w.beattie) (01/11/90)
I am trying to get DESQview 386 working on my 6386/25 AT&T/Intel PC with a VDC750 (EGA) card. It installs and starts up fine but... - If I OPEN the SAMPLE SPRDSHEET I get a blue window which is quickly replaced by white on black text. The window is gone! - If I OPEN a DOS (128K) window and try the DIR command, the output scrolls out of the window and the window itself scrolls off. Quarterdeck couldn't find an answer and gave up! If anyone knows how to get DESQview working in this environment or has any suggestions PLEASE let me know. TIA, Tom. --- Tom Beattie att!hoqaa!twb