[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Toshiba T3200 memory problem

eholmberg@kontu.utu.fi (01/11/90)

A friend of mine has bought a Toshiba T3200 laptop, and now he has
a problem concerning the memory. His  T3200 has 1 megabytes RAM,
640 kB of which is conventional and 385 kB appears to be EMS.
The manual says that the rest 384 kB can be configured to be normal
extended memory instead of EMS, but the setup program refuses to
do this. We tried to use the memory without the EMS driver, but
then it became totally invisible.. Does anyone out there have
any clues, how we could configure the memory to be extended, or
if it is possible at all?


E. K. Holmberg, Co-Sysop of SAS-(M)BBS (+358-21-518-994,24h,V.32ECM)
        Also known as eholmberg@kontu.utu.fi
                  and t6t-holm@mammutti.utu.fi