as (10/21/82)
I agree that the new version of Sneak Previews, with Jeff Lyons and Neil Gabler, is much worse than the Gene and Roger version. The two new guys are totally out of sync with each other. Lyons seems contemptuous of Gabler, but then again he seems contemptuous of a lot of people and movies. (He's been on the air in the N.Y. area for several years). Fortunately, there is hope for Gene and Roger fans. A syndicated version of Sneak Previews, called "At The Movies," is on the air in several markets. It's on channel 11 in the N.Y. area (1 pm Saturday & repeated 11 pm Sunday) and on one of the Philadelphia UHF stations (7:30 pm Saturday & Sunday). It's virtually the same show, with some minor format changes (to prevent law suits, I suppose) and (unfortunately) commercials which Gene and Roger seem to have some problems in working into their discussions smoothly. Despite the commercials, I think Gene and Roger do a much better job in reviewing movies and dealing with each other than the new guys will ever do.
heliotis (11/02/82)
I think WOR or WPIX in New York has the old critics from Sneak Previews on a different show, every Saturday afternoon. ... Confirm?