emmo@moncam.co.uk (Dave Emmerson) (01/19/90)
Though this is mainly intended for the UK readership, the rest of Europe can pick up on it if you want. As with the nethack3.0 PL6 official overlay version, I'm offering to supply Fridrik's F-PROT suite to anyone who mails a disk, stamp and return address label, and finds this method convenient, or can't ftp them. Please, don't send any shareware fees to me, send them direct to the author, details are included in a .txt file. Disks should be 3.5" or 5.25" HD, already formatted please. One disk is sufficient for both of the above. I will attempt to copy onto DD disks if you send 2/4 of them, but won't accept any responsibility if you can't read them. The address: Dave Emmerson, Monotype Adv. Dev. Grp., Unit 16, Cambridge Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4FQ England. -Disblamer- It wasn't me! It was him!