[comp.sys.ibm.pc] AT Slowdown for Game playing

rogerb@isc-br.ISC-BR.COM (Roger Bailey) (01/17/90)


	I have a friend that plays games on an AT machine.  She is looking
	for a program to slow down her AT machine so that she can play the
	games.  I know that such a program exists.  I glanced through
	SIMTEL, but could not find one.  Please EMAIL me pointers to such a
	program, or better yet, the actual program.

DOMAIN:   rogerb@isc-br.ISC-BR.COM |                                      
UUCP:       ...uunet!isc-br!rogerb |  "... I'm just making this up as I go."
                                   |                     Indiana Jones

mholtz@sactoh0.UUCP (Mark A. Holtz) (01/18/90)

In article <2703@isc-br.ISC-BR.COM>, rogerb@isc-br.ISC-BR.COM (Roger Bailey) writes:
> 	I have a friend that plays games on an AT machine.  She is looking
> 	for a program to slow down her AT machine so that she can play the
> 	games.  I know that such a program exists.  

Look for a book called "DOS Powertools" by Bantan. Included is a
diskettes which includes a program called "SLOWDOWN" to slowdown a
PC. Emphasis intended -> READ THE INSTRUCTIONS <-.
{ames att sun}!pacbell! \                 <-> America OnLine: Mark Holtz
        ucdavis!csusac! -> sactoh0!mholtz <=>       GEnie: M.HOLTZ
           uunet!mmsac! /                 <-> Home Phone: (916) 722-8522

melkins@jarthur.Claremont.EDU (Michael Elkins) (01/18/90)

> 	I have a friend that plays games on an AT machine.  She is looking
> 	for a program to slow down her AT machine so that she can play the
> 	games.  I know that such a program exists.  

WHOAPC.ARC is availible via anonymous FTP at chyde.uwasa.fi in the pc/sysutil


 /| /|___    melkins@hmcvax.claremont.edu   |  "ACK!!!
/ |/ |__     melkins@jarthur.claremont.edu  |      ...It's not just a word,
     |___    ...uunet!jarthur!melkins       |         but a state of mind."
Michael Elkins------------------------------+----------------------------------

tcm@srhqla.SR.COM (Tim Meighan) (01/19/90)

In article <2444@sactoh0.UUCP> mholtz@sactoh0.UUCP (Mark A. Holtz) writes:

>Look for a book called "DOS Powertools" by Bantan. Included is a
>diskettes which includes a program called "SLOWDOWN" 

A bit of a warning:  This particular utility goes away when you re-boot
your system, so it is of NO USE if you are trying to slow down a game
that contains a copy protection scheme requiring you to boot your
computer from the game diskette.  

Since such schemes boot you right into the game, you never get a chance to
install the SLOWDOWN program.  What is needed in such cases is a TSR
"slow down" program that can survive a warm boot.  I personally have never
run across such a thing, so I cannot recommend a program to use.

Tim Meighan
Silent Radio