[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Tracker for Academics:Text Database Program

singer@uwovax.uwo.ca (01/23/90)

I have been using Tracker text retrieval for academic purposes now for several 
months and it has features not found in other such programs. It runs well with 
Desqview and is flexible in fields and length of field values, with a mix and 
match structure that allows you to make changes in forms even after having used
old ones. It has rather good report capabilities and reports can be easily
exported to word processors. It is, of course, fast on indexed variables and
relatively slow with non-indexed values. It is much more intuitive than such
programs as AskSam, and thus can be used with just a few minutes
experience--well, maybe a few hours in some cases. It permits text up to 32k,
enough for the longest note (or perhaps even a chapter). I believe it can be
used as a mix-and-match research tool with cases or data mixed in with journal
notes and bibliography; I see uses in academic medicine, clinical medicine,
social sciences and most other academic subject areas. Support from the
company, Dayflo, 17701 Mitchell Ave., North, Irvine, Ca 92714, has been very
good.Sorry, I don't know their 1-800 number. 
Ben Singer                                      Department of Sociology      
                                                University of Western Ontario
Singer@uwo.ca                                   London, Ontario
Singer@uwovax.bitnet                            N6A 5C2
                                                (519) 660-0671  (home)
                                                (519) 679-2111   Ext 5137