[comp.sys.ibm.pc] XT Hard Disk Controllers

wdarden@nrtc.nrtc.northrop.com (Bill Darden <wdarden>) (01/23/90)

1.  I am trying to install an ATASI 3046 hard drive on a XT clone.
The specs on the ATASI 3046 are 7 heads, 645 clyinders and 30 ms
access time.  Does anyone have any jumper settings or suggestions?  

2.  Does anyone have the jumper/switch settings for the following XT
HD Controllers?  

  DCT 5150BX-2
  Adaptec ACB 2002
  LB-HDC-04-02  (Appears to be an Adaptec OEM)

3.  How well does a SCSI controller/drive work on a XT?

Thank you in advance,


William E. Darden III                  wdarden@nrtc.nothrop.com
6714 Crest Road                        MCI Mail: wdarden
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA  90274
(213) 541-2020