[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Writing text to EGA screen in Turbo C 2.0

sdawalt@wright.EDU (Shane Dawalt) (02/04/90)

in article <14015@reed.UUCP>, minar@reed.bitnet (Nelson Minar,(???)) says:
> For some reason, I cannot get cprintf() to position on the screen at all.
> Same problem with using outtext().  outtextxy() is supposed to position the
> font, and then print, but these x,y coords are not transmitted to outtext().

  Note that when you use outtextxy(), you must provide the text position
in pixel coordinates ... not text coordinates.  Something like the
following works for me:

   outtextxy(textwidth()*column_location, (textheigth()+inter_line_space)*
	     line_location, string_to_print);

	    column_location is the column to print the string
	    line_location is the line to print the string
	    inter_line_space is number of lines to skip between text line 

  I'm not sure if gotoxy() and printf() functions are really "valid" in
graphics mode.  At least, I've never heard of using them in graphics
mode.  I use printf() and the like to write diagnostics to the EGA
screen during program debugging.  After debugging, I never write
to the EGA screen using the text output functions.


Email: sdawalt@cs.wright.edu