[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Wanted: good C environment

ellard@bbn.com (Dan Ellard) (02/06/90)

	I've recently inherited an IBM XT, and now I'm looking for a
	good C programming environment for it.  The two popular choices
	seem to be Microsoft C or Turbo C (i.e. when I go to the local
	software stores, that's what they have).  According to the blurbs
	on the side of their boxes, they sound nearly identical (except
	in the area of price, where Turbo C is much more attractive), but
	of course there are a lot of things that I can't tell from reading
	the glossies:

		How do the editors compare?  I have a copy of Turbo Pascal
		3.0 (vintage 1985) and I don't like that editor very much.
		I'd like something much more sophisticated, or the ability
		to use whatever editor I choose and have it interface
		smoothly with the rest of the environment.

		How do the 'integrated environments' compare?  I think that
		the Turbo Pacal 3.0 environment is pretty good-- how do
		these stack up?

		Given that I have a minimal machine by current standards
		(IBM XT with 512K, 20 meg hard disk, Hercules graphics)
		which of these packages will gracefully handle reasonably
		sized programs (~20K source lines) and compile and link
		within a tolerable period of time?

		Are the base packages (Turbo C, QuickC) good enough to do
		development with, or do I really need the 'professional'


	Dan Ellard

Dan Ellard -- ellard@bbn.com
This line intentionally not left blank.

cs4g6ag@maccs.dcss.mcmaster.ca (Stephen M. Dunn) (02/07/90)

In article <51736@bbn.COM> ellard@BBN.COM (Dan Ellard) writes:
$		How do the editors compare?  I have a copy of Turbo Pascal
$		3.0 (vintage 1985) and I don't like that editor very much.
$		I'd like something much more sophisticated, or the ability
$		to use whatever editor I choose and have it interface
$		smoothly with the rest of the environment.

   They haven't used that environment for a few years.  If you've seen the
editor for Turbo Pascal 4.0 or higher (which I assume you haven't), it's
much closer to that one.  See if any of your friends have a more recent
version of Turbo Pascal so that you can get a better feel for the editor.

   As for smoothly interfacing whatever other editor you want ... I use
my usual word processor and have a batch file that invokes the editor,
then the compiler, then (if there were no errors) the linker (if I
want it to).  It's not quite as pretty as having the whole thing inte-
grated, but I don't find it to be inconvenient.

Stephen M. Dunn                               cs4g6ag@maccs.dcss.mcmaster.ca
          <std_disclaimer.h> = "\nI'm only an undergraduate!!!\n";
       "I want to look at life - In the available light" - Neil Peart

jmann@bigbootay.sw.stratus.com (Jim Mann) (02/07/90)

Quick C has two big drawbacks.  First, its debugger is deficient in a
few ways. It's probably comprable to the Turbo C integrated debugger,
but nowhere near as good as the full  Turbo debugger.

Second, and perhaps more importantly, is that Microsoft seems to treat
this as a learning tool but not as a compiler for real development.
For example, you don't get a reference manual: you get a book called
_C for Yourself_.  Fine if you're learning C and don't already have
a text book.  Also, the compiler is missing a few basic options. In 
particular, you can't produce an assember listing.

On the plus side, it supports all the libraries supported by the full
MS C 5.1, has a good integrated environment (better than Turbo's,
unless you are a WordStar fan), and the best online documentation
I've ever seen.  

Quick C programs which can be debugged by CodeView (which comes with
MASM, for example), so the price of Quick C plus MASM/CodeView is
probably about the same as the price of Turbo C Professional.  

In sum, I'd lean toward Turbo, but Quick C is still a good choice.

PS: The best place I've seen to buy either is MicroWarehouse. They have
great prices and great service.

rreiner@yunexus.UUCP (Richard Reiner) (02/07/90)

In article <51736@bbn.COM> ellard@BBN.COM (Dan Ellard) writes:
>		How do the editors compare?  I have a copy of Turbo Pascal
>		3.0 (vintage 1985) and I don't like that editor very much.
>		I'd like something much more sophisticated, or the ability
>		to use whatever editor I choose and have it interface
>		smoothly with the rest of the environment.

Use a *real* editor like Brief, Epsilon, or Jove, and the command-line
compiler (either MS C's cl or Turbo's tcc).  Any of these editors
can run the compiler inside the editor, and then parse the error
messages, positioning your cursor at each.  *Much* nicer than the
lousy editors in QuickC and Turbo's environment.

Richard J. Reiner              rreiner@nexus.yorku.ca
BITNET: rreiner@yorkvm1.bitnet (also rreiner@vm1.yorku.ca)

jdudeck@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU (John R. Dudeck) (02/07/90)

Perhaps I am a little less gimmick-prone than a lot of programmers.  I
just use my favorite editor (Logitech Point), and make.  Make invokes
the MS C compiler as needed.  I use code view for debugging.

In order to keep from retyping commands when I go between them, I 
use ndosedit, which allows me to recall the command line.  
(4DOS, Anarkey, ced, and others will do the same).

I find that I prefer this arrangement over Quick C.  The only disadvantage
is that it doesn't point to syntax errors in the editor after I compile.
But Point will let me have the listing open in one window and the source
in the another, which gives me more information anyway.  As far as I am
concerned, the advantages of the Point editor for speed and ease of use
outweigh the advantages of Quick C or Turbo C.  I can see no disadvantages
to my approach in terms of keystrokes, mental effort, or elapsed time
to get a debugged .exe file.

John Dudeck                           "You want to read the code closely..." 
jdudeck@Polyslo.CalPoly.Edu             -- C. Staley, in OS course, teaching 
ESL: 62013975 Tel: 805-545-9549          Tanenbaum's MINIX operating system.

olsen@eecs.nwu.edu (Jeff S. Olsen) (02/08/90)

>In order to keep from retyping commands when I go between them, I 
>use ndosedit, which allows me to recall the command line.  
>(4DOS, Anarkey, ced, and others will do the same).

Why not use make?


kens@hplsla.HP.COM (Ken Snyder) (02/08/90)

> For example, you don't get a reference manual: you get a book called
> _C for Yourself_.  Fine if you're learning C and don't already have

   MS sends a card with QuickC for a full manual set for an additional $20.
Their logic was that their on-line documentation is all most people
need.  It is pretty good.  I haven't felt the need to buy the manuals.


jdudeck@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU (John R. Dudeck) (02/08/90)

In article <3580025@eecs.nwu.edu> olsen@eecs.nwu.edu (Jeff S. Olsen) writes:
>>In order to keep from retyping commands when I go between them, I 
>>use ndosedit, which allows me to recall the command line.  
>>(4DOS, Anarkey, ced, and others will do the same).
>Why not use make?
I DO use make.  That was in the part of the article you edited off!  The
reason for ndosedit is to go between make, editor, and code view.

John Dudeck                           "You want to read the code closely..." 
jdudeck@Polyslo.CalPoly.Edu             -- C. Staley, in OS course, teaching 
ESL: 62013975 Tel: 805-545-9549          Tanenbaum's MINIX operating system.

elund@pro-graphics.cts.com (Eric Lund) (02/08/90)

In-Reply-To: message from ellard@bbn.com

First off, Microsoft C doesn't have an environment.  It's baby, Quick C
(included) does.  I've never been impressed much by Microsoft's editors. 
Borland is alright, if you learn the Wordstar command set.  As for the
environment in general, I use Turbo C prolifically, and have gotten used to
it.  No rave reviews, but I'm picky when it comes to environments, editors and
interfaces.  Turbo C also compiles quicker than Microsoft or Quick C, which
contributes to a more sleek environment.


 ProLine: elund@pro-graphics
    UUCP: ...crash!pro-graphics!elund
ARPA/DDN: pro-graphics!elund@nosc.mil
Internet: elund@pro-graphics.cts.com

schaut@cat9.cs.wisc.edu (Rick Schaut) (02/10/90)

In article <25cfc2dc.4a37@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU> jdudeck@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU (John R. Dudeck) writes:
| [Set-up deleted]
| I find that I prefer this arrangement over Quick C.  The only disadvantage
| is that it doesn't point to syntax errors in the editor after I compile.
| But Point will let me have the listing open in one window and the source
| in the another, which gives me more information anyway.  As far as I am
| concerned, the advantages of the Point editor for speed and ease of use
| outweigh the advantages of Quick C or Turbo C.

This may, indeed, be quite valid for some, but editors are largely a matter
of personal preference (I prefer to use vi myself).  However, I think I
gain enough from the TC IDE to put up with the editor (but, then, I
weened on WordStar).  But I'm a bit puzzled by the following:

| I can see no disadvantages
| to my approach in terms of keystrokes, mental effort, or elapsed time
| to get a debugged .exe file.

How many keystrokes does it take to quit editing, run make, start up CodeView
and execute to a specific location in your code?  In the TC IDE, the above
can be accomplished with a single keystroke.  I'd also venture to guess that
the whole process takes a bit less time as well.  But that isn't where the
real time savings comes from.  With such an environment, one is (or at least
I am) more inclined to crank out little stubs of code to test various ideas
during the development process or extract a bit of suspect code and throw
together a driver to test it out.

One can easily reproduce the setup you describe using UNIX and X Windows
(which is the standard workstation here at the UW).  I still turn out
better, and more thoroughly tested, code by doing the bulk of my work
at home.

Rick (schaut@garfield.cs.wisc.edu)

Peace and Prejudice Don't Mix! (unknown add copy)