[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Zenith Z-1490 MonitorR

MICHELBI@oregon.uoregon.edu (Michel Biedermann) (02/12/90)

In article <8011@chaph.usc.edu>, dchun@alcor.usc.edu (Dale Chun) writes:

> For those people that had a similar problem with their Zenith monitor
> or know of anyone that I could contact/complain to fix this monitor,

You may want to try to contact your local Zenith Student Representative.
S/he will at least put you on the right track.  From my records, the 
USC ZDS student rep is Raphael Nassor Khalfani.

Michel Biedermann	michelbi@oregon.uoregon.edu
ZENITH Student Rep.
U. of Oregon